Urban & Horticulture Plant Pathology Resources
Here are some other resources to explore the Urban & Horticulture Plant Pathology world:
The American Phytopathological Society:
The American Phytopathological Society is a society of phytopathologists dedicated to continuing research and education efforts in the realm of plant pathology.
American Phytopathological Society
Cornell University Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
Cornell University provides a Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic that accepts photo and physical samples, as well as informative and educational fact sheets.
Cornell University Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
The Garden Professor:
The Garden Professor is an international blog dedicated to education and information about gardening and horticulture.
Montana Master Gardener Program:
The Montana Master Gardener Program serves as an education and volunteer service organization. The program’s purpose is to provide technical assistance and unbiased, research-based information in consumer horticulture to people in all Montana communities through qualified volunteers. Through the Master Gardener program we empower individuals with sound horticultural practices that minimize negative impacts on the environment. The program is based on a philosophy of shared ownership. MSU extension agents, staff, and volunteers share vision, ideas, and responsibilities for the program.
Montana Master Gardener Program
Fact Sheets
Unable to find a fact sheet you were looking for in our fact sheet library? Here are some other fact sheets from other universities covering plant diseases.